Atomic number: 79
Atomic weight: 196.967
Melting point: 1,064 degrees C
Specific gravity: 19.3 when pure
Hardness: 2.5–3
Gold is 19.3 times heavier than an equal volume of water. It is a rare, soft and unreactive metal.
What is gold?
Gold is a rare metal. Its chemical symbol is Au. The fineness of gold is measured in parts per 1,000, or the carat scale, which is measured in parts per 24. The word "carat" comes from the Italian carato, the Arabic qirat, and the Greek keration, which all refer to the carob tree's fruit. Carob seeds were employed by ancient vendors to balance the scales in oriental marketplaces. 24-carat gold, or 1,000-fine gold, is the purest kind of gold.
Troy ounces are used to measure the price of gold and other precious metals. The word "troy" comes from Troyes, France, an important Middle Ages commercial hub. 31.1 grams equals one troy ounce.
The main properties of gold
Pure gold is soft and easy to work with. It is frequently combined with tougher metals. An alloy is a combination of metals. Gold is a non-reactive metal. This indicates that it is corrosion and tarnishing resistant. That is why a gold nugget can be buried for thousands of years and still look bright when it is discovered. Gold is malleable (that is, it may be easily molded) and ductile (can be drawn into a very thin wire). An ounce of gold could be compressed into a sheet as thin as a piece of tissue paper and still allow light to travel through.
Where is gold found?
In nature, gold is found as a free metal. It comes in the form of nuggets or is bound in rock and is too small to see with the naked eye. It is often discovered in combination with other metals.
What has gold formerly been used for?
For almost 5,000 years, gold has been used as jewelry, ornamentation, and as a form of money. Since Egyptian times, gold leaf has been used to decorate tombs and statues, cathedrals and temples, elegant books, and picture frames. Many Egyptian burial cases were adorned with hammered gold. Because of its corrosion resistance, gold leaf is still frequently used to ornament the domes and ceilings of structures because it outlasts paint for many years. Long before it was utilized as cash, gold was used to make jewelry. The first gold jewelry was made in circa 3,000 BC by the Sumerian civilization. Both men and women were seen wearing the jewelry. Although some of the techniques have been lost, goldsmithing abilities that were understood and perfected at the time are being employed today. Gold wedding rings have been used in marriage ceremonies since the ninth century and can be traced back to ancient Egypt. Because it was thought that this finger carried an artery running directly to the heart, the ring was placed on the third finger of the left hand.
Coin culture has always been a significant component of Chinese culture. As legal tender, modern gold and silver coins symbolize a nation's image and credit, as well as propagate and support Chinese national culture as a competent carrier of cultural diffusion to communicate with the rest of the world. Coins have an exact reflection of the beauty of coins and the charm of culture, revealing the magnificent and time-honored civilization of the oriental nation, due to the square and round lines.
Today’s gold usage
Aside from being a form of currency, gold can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
Decoration – For almost 5,000 years, gold has been used for ornamentation and embellishment. Its corrosion resistance allows it to outlast the paint.
Jewelry – Gold has been used in jewelry since as early as 3,000 BC.
Gold-reflective glass – Because gold reflects heat and is so flexible, it is used to cover glass with a thin film that allows light but not heat to pass through. In certain buildings, the use of reflective glass has lowered cooling and heating expenses.
Electronics – Gold is an excellent electrical conductor that does not rust or tarnish at extreme temperatures. Calculators, television sets, computers, telephones, and other electronics all comprise gold in circuits.
Satellites and Communications – Gold is used in satellites as part of their electronic circuits and as a heat shield.
Aerospace – Gold is used to protect astronauts, satellites, and key electronic components from harmful X-rays and solar radiation present in space because it reflects heat.
Medicine – Several forms of cancer are treated using radioactive gold. Gold leaf is used to heal chronic ulcers and to repair injured blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes during surgery.
Dentistry – Because of its high resistance to corrosion and tarnish, dentists utilize around 30 tons of gold each year for crowns, bridges, gold inlays, and dentures.